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Activity Forums DaVinci Resolve Creating A Clone Effect of Yourself In A Short Music Video – DaVinci Resolve

  • Creating A Clone Effect of Yourself In A Short Music Video – DaVinci Resolve

    Posted by Aron Stokes on July 28, 2023 at 1:14 pm

    Hello. I’m interested in learning how to create a certain cloning type of video effect (like the one seen in the video I’ve attached). I basically want to create a video very similar to this one with my own music parts. So far, I have footage of me playing the drums for 2 bars, then moving to the bass and playing it for 4 bars, then moving to the piano and playing throughout the rest of the video. The effect I need is to make it so that when I finish playing the drums for 2 bars this part loops until the end of the video, and after the first time I play the 2-bar drum part, it shows me walking out of myself on the drums. Same should happen with the bass… I play it for 4 bars, then it loops until the end of the video and I am seen walking out of myself on the bass after the first time I play it, then I will finish out the video by sitting at the piano and playing it for the rest of the video’s duration (so no loop needed for the piano part).


    Does anyone know how to achieve this effect in DaVinci Resolve and can you teach me? I’d greatly appreciate it and I could utilize this in future videos if I learn it once. Many people were claiming to me that it’s easy to do this? I just haven’t found any help yet.





    Riccardo Luppi replied 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Riccardo Luppi

    August 11, 2023 at 9:07 am

    Hey Aron,
    This requires some roto to cut yourself out of the video. If you have the studio version of DVR you can use the magic mask for that and it should be fairly simple. If you are running the free version, though, it’ll take a lot of time. Let me explain how this works.

    The first thing you need to do is to duplicate the recording two times and put the three copies on top of each other. The bottom layer will be your drum loop, the mid layer your bass and the top layer your piano.

    Next, you want to take the drum layer and make a loop for the drums. For this, you cut the clip where you want the loop to begin and end and then you simply duplicate that clip as many times as you need.

    For the mid-layer, you need to start doing the rotoscoping. The idea is to isolate yourself from the rest of the background, again using the magic mask if available or doing a manual roto. If you don’t know how to do roto, you can also find someone (for example on Fiverr) to do that for you and have them deliver a matte to you. You don’t need to roto everything, just the bit where your body is still near the drums. Then you can simply cut the clip and continue it with a crop.

    Then you simply loop the mid-layer as you did for the drum and you repeat the previous step for the top layer.

    I know this is not the easiest to explain via text, but I hope I was clear enough!

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