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Activity Forums Compression Techniques Create interlaced DV AVI from extracted fields

  • Create interlaced DV AVI from extracted fields

    Posted by Thomas Mechau on January 5, 2020 at 3:34 pm

    (Background: I am trying to retouch scratches/dust from individual frames of some older interlaced DV material (Super 8 material, shot at 18 fps, scanned professionally for 25 fps PAL DV). Adobe Premiere outputs a de-interlaced screenshot, but because of the strange FPS correlation the artifact sometimes is in another field of an adjacent frame and is not captured in the deinterlaced screenshot, but will be visible during playback. So I now want to try retouching the individual fields in order not to miss one.)

    I have been able to extract the fields using FFMPEG (Syntax: ffmpeg -i video.avi -start_number 0 -vf field=bottom video_bottom_%05d.png, same for “top”) and retouch the relevant frames (having half the height obviously; using this thread:

    However, I am not really familiar with the syntax of the FFMPG command line and I fail to reverse this process: I would like to merge the edited fields to a new DV AVI file. I suppose the tinterlace command will come into play, but I fail to produce any video from individual stills.

    Does anyone know whether this can be achieved at all?



    Thomas Mechau replied 4 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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