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Activity Forums Apple Motion Create blur outside of Effect Source / “Ambilight” Effect

  • Create blur outside of Effect Source / “Ambilight” Effect

    Posted by Patrick Grossien on June 23, 2023 at 1:57 pm

    Fellow Motion Users,

    I am trying to set up an effect that I could drop onto a clip, that would create a blur outside of the source material.

    Or if there is a way to create an overlaying layer that generates it for the complete project underneath like adjustment layers in PS or AE.

    I am trying to achieve an ambilight-like extension of the footage. So to the left and right of the source, there is a blurred extension of the material.

    I can manage to create a motion project of the effect but I am not able to reproduce it to be applicable in FCPX, as it seems that the effect is only applied on the footage but it doesn’t extend to the left and right (the effect is cropped to the width of the source footage)

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a ton


    Ben Balser replied 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Ben Balser

    June 23, 2023 at 2:50 pm

    This is done in the effects used to place vertical videos into a horizontal video aspect ration. Plenty on the market, and I’ve made it myself in Motion, very easy. Based on the example you’ve given, here’s where I’d start.

    You’ll create a Drop Zone, then make a Clone Layer of that below it. Stretch the Clone layer our, or enlarge it. Then apply a Directional Blur to that and crank it up really high. Publish the desired parameters. Publish as a generator, which is what I’d do. You could probably do this in some way as a Title that you can just drop on top of a clip for the same effect, also.

  • Patrick Grossien

    June 25, 2023 at 11:41 am

    Thank you Ben, I will try that. Maybe it’s stretching out the cloned layer that will do the trick. Right now my cloned layer only has the blur which extends visibly to the left and right, but the layer itself has the same size as its parent. The blur works / shows up inside motion but doesn’t translate to fcpx.

  • Ben Balser

    June 26, 2023 at 3:47 am

    You can change the size of the clone layer independently of the parent.

    The stock blur filter should be built-in to your template. I’ve made this before and it worked fine for me.

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