COW Reviews: Cinematography Vortex Media Warm Cards
Vortex Media Warm Cards In this article, CreativeCOW.net contributing editor Jim Harvey reviews Vortex Media Warm Cards and states, "You know you do it. We all do it. Its not something that we brag about. Its not even something that we think about too much. White Balancing. Sure some guys carry a worn out piece of white paper, or they use the foamcore to set the camera. Weve balanced on walls, notepaper, even the fat guys t-shirt. It gets us by and we get on with the show. But as we are all professionals, shouldnt we have a professional system to white balance out gear and do it consistently? Well, we do and we can." Read on to discover an effective answer to your white balancing dilemmas.
Product Review, Cinematography
Click on the link above to find Jim Harvey’s review
Kathlyn Lindeboom