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Activity Forums Cinematography COW Reviews: Cinematography Vortex Media Warm Cards

  • COW Reviews: Cinematography Vortex Media Warm Cards

    Posted by Kathlyn Lindeboom on May 17, 2005 at 11:16 pm
    Vortex Media Warm Cards

    In this article, contributing editor Jim Harvey reviews Vortex Media Warm Cards and states, "You know you do it. We all do it. It’s not something that we brag about. It’s not even something that we think about too much. White Balancing. Sure some guys carry a worn out piece of white paper, or they use the foamcore to set the camera. We’ve balanced on walls, notepaper, even the fat guy’s t-shirt. It gets us by and we get on with the show. But as we are all professionals, shouldn’t we have a professional system to white balance out gear and do it consistently? Well, we do and we can." Read on to discover an effective answer to your white balancing dilemmas.

    Product Review, Cinematography

    Click on the link above to find Jim Harvey’s review

    Kathlyn Lindeboom

    Wayne Orr replied 19 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Wayne Orr

    May 22, 2005 at 9:18 pm

    Hey all you cinematography guys. Take a look at the picture examples of the warm cards in action. See the ballerina? Does it bother anyone (besides me) that although her flesh tones have indeed been warmed up (not something a dancer may want, btw), but the entire background color has been changed from the blue that was what the lighting designer had in mind, to a weird green? Making global changes in the field may not be the way to “correct” your images.

    I know that many years ago when I was doing a lot of ENG style shooting, we all experimented with different ways to “warm” up the picture. Everything from putting a CTB over a tungsten light illuminating a white card, to shooting a blue gel from a jungle book on top of a white card, etc. But over time, most of us abandonded these “solutions” because they caused exactly the problems you see in the examples. Some people actually get miffed when their blue suit appears brown on tv.

    Better results can be achieved through proper camera set-up, or tweaking in post, IMHO.

    Wayne Orr, SOC

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