Corner pin in 3D space with 3D coordinates?
I made a 3D animation of a laptop computer in Cinema 4D, with the idea of compositing the contents of the screen later in AE. To that end, I added four dummy objects on the corners of the computer screen in C4D, so that I could import them (along with the camera) into AE as null objects.
So far so good… but once I had my AE project set up, with my camera and my null objects marking the corners of the screen, I realized: and how do I “corner pin” a 3D layer in AE to those four null objects?
(Of course, I could always track the corners of the 3D render, as if it was regular footage, but I’d rather not do it when it’s a CG scene and I have on hand the actual, exact coordinates of the screen in question).
So… uh, is there any way?