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Activity Forums Maxon Cinema 4D Core Particle Tools?

  • Scott Frizzle

    August 19, 2005 at 7:15 pm

    There is some weird stuff going on with Corearsenal. I recently had to contact them to get a serial number and discovered that their site was down. Now it comes up as expired. I contacted Coreaudiovisual, who is sort of the parent of Corearsenal, as well as contacting Darf (creator of Jenna, etc.) directly. Darf and someone else replied, and I did get my serial #, but they said someone had been hacking their site so their service provider made them take it down. When I asked about it the guy from coreausiovisual said that “someone out there doesn’t like us.” The corearsenal tools are out of Darf’s control now, so he didn’t know anything about it. Not to be a gossip hound, but my gut feeling was that something weird was going on, and I wasn’t getting the full picture.

    I hope they get things together, because they have first rate tools, and I had planned on getting more of them. Perhaps if they heard form more of the community that would motivate them to get corearsenal back out there? Just a thought…

  • Dennis Miller

    August 23, 2005 at 3:44 am

    Are you aware that it was given away on a recent magazine cover? I have a link to the free version but should check with the developer (if they are answering email) about sending it over (and of course, the link could be dead).

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