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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro Converting 4K clips – end result DVD movie

  • Converting 4K clips – end result DVD movie

    Posted by Bruce Brent on August 28, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    Which is the best way for the best outcome, converting 4K clips with a 3rd party video converter or place the 4K clips on the Vegas Pro timeline and go from there?

    If placing my 4K clips on the timeline, can someone post the steps/settings (what to set, check mark (on or off) the specific settings, from beginning to render for DVD Arch.?

    Thank you in advance

    Steve Rhoden replied 8 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Steve Rhoden

    August 29, 2016 at 11:36 am

    Place the 4K clips on the Vegas Pro timeline and go from there, yeah, that’s best advisable.
    And you go about your edits as you normally would with any other HD or SD format, as long as
    you have a powerful system.

    There is no need for any 3rd party converters, and even Vegas itself can be used as a converter.

    Steve Rhoden (Cow Leader)
    Film Maker & VFX Artist.
    Owner of Filmex Creative Media.
    Samples of my Work and Company can be seen here:

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