continued learning
Im thinking about gettin some more of that education stuff (part time still need to edit ot pay the bills) and was wondering if anyone here had any advice on online schools.
I already have a degree in film/television but Ive always felt that some formal graphic design learning would be a very complimentary fit to editing/compositing. Some typogrophy, color theory, some advanced Photoshop classes that sort of thing. There is a pretty decent graphic design college in my home town but wanted to explore some of the online potential before I jumped in both feet. Has anyone had any experience in distant learning in graphic design?
I know I can just read books and learn on my own but Ive been telling myself that for ten years now and the only time I buy a book or go online to learn something is because I need to know how to do it tommorrow! Plus Ive been fealing a bit burnt out lately and think some brain power spent in a complimentary arena would help put some life back into my work.
Any suggestions/recommendations would be welcome
Andy George
Black Dog Films