Hi Phil. I did not answer straight away as I thought there were others more professionals then me to make a comment.
But I have used FCP and also Windows programs like EDUS and Adobe Premiere. My friend has a Video studio and he uses FCP and I help him with a lot of his editing but FCP is not very intuitive and unless you use it a lot it does seem to make a simple job complicated and more time consuming.
Sometime when an extra special bit of video is needed we have to do it in Vegas as it makes a difficult job a lot easier and then import it into FCP which is always more complicated that it seems.
With Vegas you can almost drag most things to the timeline and it will accept it whereas FCP is very fussy. Vegas have gone the whole mile to make difficult things easier and from my point of view the quickest and best way to produce professional results. Even with FCP you need the BORIS programs to do simple things that are already built into Vegas. I do hope others on the Forum will also make a few comments.
Just make sure you get the right build for your PC.