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Activity Forums Compression Techniques compressor-jerky

  • compressor-jerky

    Posted by Adam Dewhirst on January 21, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    i’m basically using compressor to deinterlace for upload to vimeo. the file size only ends up being around 1gb after compressor but i can afford up to 5gb file size. the footage is very jerky at times. i’m wondering if theres anything i can do to improve the quality?

    these are my settings in compressor :

    Name: vimeo hd encode
    Description: No description
    File Extension: mov
    Estimated file size: unknown
    Audio Encoder
    AAC, Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz
    Video Encoder
    Format: QT
    Width: 1280
    Height: 720
    Pixel aspect ratio: Square
    Crop: None
    Padding: None
    Frame rate: (100% of source)
    Frame Controls On:
    Retiming: (Best) High quality Motion Compensated
    Resize Filter: Statistical Prediction
    Deinterlace Filter: Best (Motion Compensated)
    Adaptive Details: On
    Antialias: 0
    Detail Level: 0
    Field Output: Progressive
    Codec Type: H.264
    Multi-pass: On, frame reorder: On
    Pixel depth: 24
    Spatial quality: 100
    Min. Spatial quality: 25
    Key frame interval: 30
    Temporal quality: 50
    Min. temporal quality: 25

    Adam Dewhirst replied 12 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Craig Seeman

    January 21, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    What’s your source frame rate?
    Maybe asking the obvious but are you sure your source is interlaced?
    You can control the size by controlling the data rate but it’s not mission critical in this case although you may be using more of your weekly upload limit than needed.
    Are you checking the file before upload or after as there different factors in each case ranging from your computer’s playback capabilities to your internet connection.

  • Adam Dewhirst

    January 21, 2012 at 11:41 pm


    thanks for your response. the source frame rate is 25 and i’m sure it is interlaced (shot on fx1).

    yes, im checking the file before i upload it. so im not going off the uploaded file.

    to be honest, i’m not quite sure what increasing the data rate does but if it adds quality maybe i should try this, although i’m not sure by how much i should increase it. increasing the file size doesn’t bother me, as long as its under 5gb and at the moment with the current settings its only 1.16gb.


  • Craig Seeman

    January 22, 2012 at 1:11 am

    Are you using Compressor 3.5 or 4?
    In 4 use the Video Sharing Services HD 720p Video Sharing preset as is.

    Otherwise try this although there are variations.
    Frame Rate Current
    Key Frames Automatic
    Frame Reordering On
    Encoding Best Quality Multi-pass
    Data Rate Restrict to 10,000 kbits/s
    Optimized for Download
    Quality Best
    Encoding Strategy Average Bit Rate
    Target Bit Rate 128 kbps

    FrameControls On
    Output Fields Progressive
    Deinterlace Better
    Adaptive Details On

    Geometry Frame Size 1280×720

    I don’t see a data rate in your settings. Maybe you have it set very high or to Automatic. Vimeo would still handle it without issue but maybe your computer can’t handle playing back the source file.

    File size is a duration times data rate.

  • Adam Dewhirst

    January 22, 2012 at 1:16 am

    compressor 3.5

    thanks craig, i’ll try your settings and see if their is an improvement.


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