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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Complex question about CC Glass

  • Complex question about CC Glass

    Posted by Jakob Fletcher on March 9, 2015 at 4:14 am

    I’m really fascinated with this CC Glass filter, because it gives me (with some adjusting) the exact effect I want to achieve in one of my projects.

    My question is a bit complex, as it concerns the fine details about CC Glass – how it functions – so to speak. My question is basically, how does this filter/plugin do what it does? To be more specific, let’s say there isn’t any CC Glass inside After Effects. What would I have to do in order to achieve the same effect, or a very similar effect?

    I guess I’d have to use a displacement map in combination with other filters and/or plugins.

    Can anyone provide some insight? I know this isn’t the type of question that gets asked often, so I really appreciate any input.


    Jakob Fletcher replied 9 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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