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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Expressions comp marker to trigger an animation of a layer (not TR)

  • comp marker to trigger an animation of a layer (not TR)

    Posted by Roei Tzoref on October 17, 2017 at 1:11 am

    hey wizards.

    I need a comp marker to trigger the keyframe animation of a property in one of the layers. if it reaches the comp marker – it will trigger, if not, then it won’t start. not TR property but other parameters. imaging a null that’s pushing a few layers at 10:00 mark. I want to place that null at the beginning of my timeline and instead use a Comp marker at 10:00 that will get the null going. I got a few nulls that do different things. I want this whole thing to get going at the comp marker sign.

    I got something to work for 2 keyframes and I set it to each of the nulls parameters and it works as long as it’s only 2 keyframes and they all start at the same time. but this is not the case.

    t1 = key(1).time;
    t2 = key(2).time;
    dur = t2 – t1;

    markerOut = thisComp.marker.key(“Out”).time;

    t = linear(time, markerOut, markerOut+dur,t1,t2);


    problem is I got 3. and I got more than one layer I want to trigger its animation so if those layers are not in sync (animation starts at the same time), this doesn’t work. I wish to break free from the shackles of specifying my keyframes if possible. an expression that tells a layer to start going when the comp marker is reached. in which layer parameter I set it in no matter how many keyframes.

    t1 = key(1).time;
    t2 = key(2).time;
    dur = t2 - t1;

    markerOut = thisComp.marker.key("Out").time;

    t = linear(time, markerOut, markerOut+dur,t1,t2);


    Roei Tzoref
    2D/VFX Generalist & Instructor
    ♫ AeBlues Tutorials ♫

    Roei Tzoref replied 7 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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