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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Combining workflow: Premiere Pro and FCP

  • Combining workflow: Premiere Pro and FCP

    Posted by Marcus Lim on April 3, 2005 at 11:05 pm

    I have some 300 mins of DVCPRO50 footage on hard drive. I’ll be on the road with only access to a PPro system and as time is of the essence, I’ll have to edit the final cut of the film on PPro. However, once the cut is done, I want to colour correct on FCP. Is it possible to import the PPro project into FCP so that I can continue my post? I am a little shabby on EDL knowledge and I’d appreciate any guidance.

    Also, I understand that PPro does not support native DVCPRO50 editing, which means that i’d have to get the mainconcept DVCPRO50 codec. Are there any other potential problems I should note?


    Chad Treanor replied 19 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Chad Treanor

    April 4, 2005 at 8:24 pm

    You may want to also keep in mind where the final project is going to end up. If you’re also creating the DVD for this project, then you may want to also pay attention to the different final codecs that are used in DVD studio PRO and in Adobe Encore…You might want to get the entire production’s method down so you can plan on what systems to look ahead to.

    EDL’s actually are a very very important and reliable way to keep an edit forever even if its just the EDL file on your computer. Its not all that hard, but it can be intimidating if your trying to reconstruct the edit from the edl and re-linking media. This is quite simple in an AVID, but a little tricky in P-Pro.

    hope this helps.

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