Combining 360 Photography with 360 Degree Video
Hi there! I’m wondering if anyone has some experience creating virtual tours where each hub/location is a standard 360 degree photo with clickable hot spots, but instead of the usual faux-3D transition effect for moving around, using 360 videos to transition from one photo to another (the beginning and end of the 360 degree video being shot to match the previous static photo in the first frame, and new photo in the last frame. For example, imagine standing outside a building in a 360 degree photo, and the door is clickable. If you click the door hotspot, instead of just a “zoom” effect into the building, the 360 degree photo is briefly replaced with a 360 degree video that takes the user through the door, into the next photo within the foyer. There are tons of tools out there to pick from for virtual tours, and I’ve used a few, but I’ve yet to find one that allows for this without what I imagine is a bunch of custom coding. Any advice, fellow creatives?