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Activity Forums RE:Vision Effects Color Shift in Premiere

  • Color Shift in Premiere

    Posted by Pierre Jasmin on October 19, 2024 at 7:39 pm

    Creating this thread to document on-going overtime thread about some issues with plug-ins and potential color shift issues in Premiere.

    We created a short tutorial to locate where things are in Premiere UI (link at bottom). First here’s a short summary

    1. A long long time ago we used to have problems with Auto-Color, Auto-Contrast and Auto-Levels
    These did not work when an effect after them requested two frames from the current time (also sometimes known as temporal processing, term we will use here), effect such as DEFlicker, DE:Noise, RSMB, Twixtor… These effects have been moved to the deprecated list. The updated list of deprecated effects is here: Obsolete Effects, Transitions and Presets removed ( For example, recently Fast Color Corrector has been added to that list and in 2025 automagically the project is changed to replace that when loading an older version project.

    2. Then Adobe bought Iridas SpeedGrade that eventually progressively became Lumetri in Premiere. Up to 2022, we also had issue with Lumetri effect applied before our temporal processing effect – it broke projects – solution was to apply Lumetri after
    This was fixed in 2023 but a new issue arise for certain clips requiring user to turn off Auto-Tone map in Sequence Settings

    3. In 2024 initially (up to 2024.6) there was a color shift issue with temporal processing plugins requiring users to go to the Lumetri Color panel Settings tab and set Viewer Gamma to something else than Broadcast gamma 2.4. This was fixed in 2024.6 but there is still an issue with some clips such as Sony S-Log type videos. In some cases simply setting Sequence settings to High Bit Depth and on PC set Mercury Engine to CPU can fix this (Mercury Engine CPU not an option anymore on Mac ARM computers). On Mac with a few clients, upgrading to 2025 was the only solution (note still make sure Sequence Settings is set to High Bit depth on).

    4. 2025: There is still an issue with the new Wide Gamut color management. A bit like 2023 issue, do not set it to Wide Gamut (Tone Mapping) mode – other modes work. Wide Gamut Tone Mapping affects ALL our plugins (color shift) last we checked. Check if Premiere when uploading an old project has set this to Custom.

    5. It’s been reported that we might also have an issue with HLG input (e.g. an export option on iPhone when shooting HDR) being investigated. We suggest to not use HLG in sequence settings unless you do have an HDR source, but Rec 709 or rec 2020 sequence settings appear well behaved.

    Workaround for Premiere Pro color shift issue (

    Heard about our big Raffle?:

    Mads Nybo jørgensen
    replied 1 week ago
    3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Pierre Jasmin

    October 22, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    There is indeed a color shift problem with HLG video (e.g. iPhone recording HDR Dolby) – only workaround so far with our plugin is to set Mercury Engine to CPU – which is not an option on Mac anymore.

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    October 22, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    Hey Pierre,

    Thank you.

    You kind of point out what the real problem is with Adobe PPro these days, as that they break more than they fix.

    And, to make it look like they are doing something, they spend more time moving menu’s and panels around, than improving the software.

    I’m guessing the fastest way to sort it out, is for you to release a preset to cover the “move arounds”, everytime Adobe releases a new version?

    Got to ask:

    Did Adobe move your plug-ins on purpose, and are you better off for that?

    Or is it that Adobe will want users to use their “Pay-as-You-Go-A.I.” instead to do the job?


  • Kevin O’brien

    October 30, 2024 at 1:26 am

    I have had intermittent issues with Sony S-Log footage. some clips had trouble and some not

    Hard to fix something that is not consistent.

  • Pierre Jasmin

    December 3, 2024 at 12:20 am

    OK lot is fixed in Premiere 2025.2 latest beta

  • Pierre Jasmin

    January 31, 2025 at 5:31 pm

    TIme to test all this before they release 25.2 – still in beta now. They still do have an issue with tools where we analyze frames (e.g Color Genius) – and source is log (e.g. Sony S-Log Cine) – it hangs. Reported here.

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    January 31, 2025 at 6:03 pm

    Hey Pierre,

    Thank you for the updates.

    I have been without an editing computer for nearly 4 month, but have purchased a new one that arrived last week.
    This weekend I’ll download the RE:Vision Effects package, so I can start using it.
    Happy to test it for you on the latest version of PPro.
    I also have Davinci Studio, Avid MC with Symphony and Vegas, if that is of interest?


  • Pierre Jasmin

    January 31, 2025 at 6:17 pm

    I don’t know if you have a Mac ARM computer, Someone at Avid has reported a hang on application of Twixtor 8 in Avid we can’t replicate or get useful feedback about…


  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    January 31, 2025 at 6:34 pm

    I’ve got a Mac Mini M1 that I use for FCPX – the rest is on PC.

    If I can install the AVID on the Mac Mini, I’m happy to try it out.
    Depends on whether my AVID licence will allow the dual install – will find out.

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