Color matte in Adobe Premiere pro shows only in black color. Whtv color I choose
I create a new fresh project in Adobe Premiere Pro v2023 on Windows11. Click on ‘new item’ buton in Project Panel> Color Matte> Choose blue (or any) color> Ok> Give it a name. That named Color Matte is now showing in the Pr Pnl (color matte’s icon also shows to its left ok).
I drag this color matte on highest track on the Timeline (which may be blank or having a video on track1). Now I find that it only shows in black color. I may reduce its opacity, then it becomes transparent (which is evident when I insert any video just under this track).
I’ve tried changing colors by double clicking on the ‘Color Matte’ in PPnl also, but same results. Its behaving exactly same as if I was creating ‘Black Video’.