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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Clips show stretched

  • Tom Morton

    November 8, 2023 at 7:06 am

    First check the Motion properties and ensure the Scale is set to 100% for width and height. If so, then go to the footage in your project panel, right click and go to Modify > Interpret footage. Check that the pixel aspect ratio here matches the actual footage. By default it should pick it up correctly but on unusual footage it can get it wrong.

    Failing that, create a fresh new project as a test, import your footage and see if the same thing happens. If not, then your project may be corrupted.

  • Eric Santiago

    November 8, 2023 at 10:54 pm

    Select suspect footage > right-click and create a sequence.

    It will default to the footage aspect ratio, frame rate, etc…

    Then check what the sequence settings are.

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