Change text properties using ExtendScript
Hey guys,
I know this is an expressions forum category and I have a question about Extendscript, but maybe I can still post about it?
So, I’m trying to change one of the text properties here.
I can successfully change Anchor Point Grouping (see here), using the code below:
var thisComp = app.project.activeItem;
var curLayer = thisComp.selectedLayers[0];
textAnchorPointGrouping = curLayer.property("Text").property("More Options").property("Anchor Point Grouping");
textAnchorPointGrouping.setValue(1);But, when I want to change Based On (see here) property under Range Selector, it’s not working and i’m getting undefined is not an object error (see here). Below is the code:
var thisComp = app.project.activeItem;
var curLayer = thisComp.selectedLayers[0];
textAnchorPointGrouping = curLayer.property("Text").property("Animator 1").property("Range Selector 1").property("Advanced").property("Based On");
textAnchorPointGrouping.setValue(1);Not sure what I’m doing wrong and any suggestions would be helpful!