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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy CGM Page turn plug-in from FCP3?

  • CGM Page turn plug-in from FCP3?

    Posted by Tom Matthies on March 30, 2006 at 10:50 pm

    I’m needing to recreate a project I did a year or two ago, back when I was using FCP3. This version included a couple of CGM (I think) plugs for transitions. My client would like to use the same page turn transition again. I’ve since moved on to FCP 4.5 and now 5 on a completely different machine and don’t have these plug-ins anymore. Anyone out there still have them stashed away somewhere? Just wondering if I could get the page turn plug? Email it? FTP?
    This guy’s just gotta have the same page turn he used on the last project. Help! Jeez…at least it’s not the rotating cube from the ADO days!
    Thanks in advance.

    Tom Matthies replied 18 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Matthew Brunn

    March 30, 2006 at 11:00 pm

    Why not upgrade the plugins you had? Even if you get the plugin that works in FCP 5 it may not reconnect with the transitions you made. The plugin could have changed names or been gotten rid of in the suite of plugins. Do you know the name and version of this plugin? Maybe CGM has your original purchase on file. They would be the first stop.

    Hope this helps-
    Quad 2.5 G5
    OSX 10.4.X
    Ram 4GB
    FCP 4.5/AE 6.5/DVDSP3

  • Chris Babbitt

    March 31, 2006 at 12:05 am

    I can send it to you, Tom, and yes, it works in FCP5. Whats your e-mail?

  • Tom Matthies

    March 31, 2006 at 2:24 am

    Thanks Chris.
    Boy, I hate to put my email address out there but here goes…

    I still have my Version 3 disks, but I don’t know if these were included separately on the disk or as a part of the FCP load.
    It’s a little thing, but it will make the client happy. It’s got that “little sheen thingy, you know…”
    Thanks again,

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