Capturing HDV in Vegas Video
I’ve been having a prob capturing HDV (60i) footage to Vegas 9 or 7 on either of my computers (Win XP SP2). The footage was shot with a Sony Z7U. Seems to capture fine, but then I drop it on the timeline and the audio will have cut out for long durations of the footage. When the audio cuts out, the video usually takes a little hit too, but then the video continues fine, but the audio is gone. The footage plays fine in the camera. In fact the work-around that I’ve been using is to capture the tape’s footage to the Z7U’s Compact Flash memory, then dump it to my HDD. Works that way, but because the card is FAT32, it chops each tape into 4 pieces.
I’m really baffled by this one. I’ve tried 3 different Z7U’s (shooting and capturing), 2 different computers, different firewire cables, different versions of Vegas (9 and 7), different HDD’s. Every time I try to capture HDV (60i) to either of my computers, I get the same results. Vegas 7 will capture them but then won’t even allow the footage to be dropped on the Timeline -says there is an error in the footage.
And I search online and NOBODY seems to be having the same issue that I’ve had with all these cameras, a pro deck, 2 versions of Vegas, etc. I’ve been struggling with this for months. I’ve posted in several forums -nobody responds. What is going on? Do I need to bring an exorcist over to the house? could it be the power outlets in my house? Well, I’m moving in 2 days, so I guess I’ll soon be able to rule out that variable also. The one thing that is the same between my 2 computers is I’m using Win XP SP2 on both. But if thats an issue, there should be hundreds of other people out there screaming about the same problem.