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Activity Forums DaVinci Resolve Can’t seperate/isolate audio channels

  • Can’t seperate/isolate audio channels

    Posted by Ted Irving on June 19, 2019 at 10:16 pm

    Hello. My team of 6 is testing Davinci Resolve 15 and 16b. Neither allows for the separation of stereo audio. Example. You shoot with a camera with two XLR inputs. You put a wireless on a fan at a football game to channel1 and have the game nat sound from the on-cam shotgun mic in channel 2.

    When pulled in Davinci none of us can get the audio seperated. It’s like the audio is forced to mono upon import. And seperating seems to be a no go. Not sure what we are missing in the import settings or menu. Camera settings do not reflect merged channels 1 and 2 either.

    A trainer came in and had the same issue. So we are at a stand still on audio. We have FCPX licenses for may install those so we have both. At least until DR17 is ready with a fix for this.

    Ideas? Thanks

    Ted Irving
    ENG Cinematographer

    Greg Pasztor replied 5 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Sam Treadway

    June 20, 2019 at 1:28 am

    1. In the media pool, right click on the clip and select “Clip Attributes…”
    2. Select the Audio Tab
    3. If you see a track in the list at the bottom of the popup window with “Stereo” under the format column, switch it to mono and select the first embedded channel in the source channel column.
    4. Next, above the list box you can add a new channel by selecting “Mono” as the format, 1 for the number of new tracks, and then click the add button.
    5. Select the second embedded channel in the source channel column.
    6. Now drag the clip to the timeline and you will have two tracks, each from one of the channels.

  • Greg Pasztor

    June 20, 2019 at 2:07 pm

    I have the same issue with XDCAM footage from a Sony EX-1R. If I import from the camera card (or card copy) the audio imports as mixed. If I use Sony’s Catalyst program to export the clips as ProRes, then import them into Resolve everything is as it should be–separate channels for each of my audio sources. Since I shoot a lot of longer clips and end up spanning them in Catalyst anyway, it was no big deal to just convert all the clips to ProRes.

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