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Activity Forums Adobe Creative Cloud Can’t open Premier Pro CC nor After Effects CC

  • Can’t open Premier Pro CC nor After Effects CC

    Posted by Jim Watt on June 23, 2013 at 9:42 pm

    After downloading Creative suite CC I can’t get Premier pro CC nor After Effects CC to work. When I open PP the first screen appears as I suppoe it should, but there is a fairly long pause before it starts loading, then after a minute or so of loading screen goes blank with no sign of Premier pro CC. If I go to the force quite menu it reports Premier is not responding. Photoshop and Bridge seen to open and function as expected.

    When i open After Effects CC this warning appears “After Effects Warning: Could not rename the file ‘/Users/jimwatt/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/12.0/Workspaces. 4818,1407351528820481.xml’ to “Workspace.xml”. Then as I click thru that box, get another “After Effects can’t continue: unexpected failure during application startup”

    I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, repaired permissions, checked drivers for Cuda card which are up to date.

    Also can’t download my licensed version of Creative Suite CS6 either.

    I’d sure like to solve this so I can start working. Any ideas?


    MAC PRO 2 x 2.93 GHz 6 Core
    40 GB 1333 MHZ DDR3 Ram
    Kona 3 card
    Quadro 4000 graphics card
    OS 10.8.4
    Video drive Apple XServe raid
    plus 2 TB G-raid & 3, 2 TB internal 7200 RPM drives

    Mid 2010
    System SN H02020UYEUH
    Processor SN: J5150032DBH8C

    Producer/DP, HD series, “Discoveries…America”, “Discoveries…Ireland”, “Discoveries…Spain”,
    “Discoveries…Argentina”, Discoveries…India”, “Discoveries…Asia”, “Discoveries…Africa”

    Todd Kopriva replied 11 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Todd Kopriva

    June 24, 2013 at 6:50 am

    I recommend contacting Adobe Technical Support:

    You can also bring questions here, where Adobe staff who are familiar with the downloading, installation, and activations systems will see them:

    Todd Kopriva, Adobe Systems Incorporated
    After Effects quality engineering
    After Effects team blog

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