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Activity Forums Adobe Encore DVD Can you create a menu button to toggle Close Captions on/off

  • Can you create a menu button to toggle Close Captions on/off

    Posted by Mitch Silver on February 11, 2016 at 8:02 pm

    Is this possible in Encore? I know you can do it with a DVD remote, but I want this feature on the DVD menu itself.

    Preston Alexander replied 4 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Ricky Barrow

    February 11, 2016 at 8:28 pm

    Closed Captions are a function of the display (TV set). If you duplicate the movie, and thereby duplicating the space required on the DVD, add that timeline without adding the caption file and have a separate button for each, then yes, the button will allow or not allow captions.

    Subtitles can be turned on/off with a menu button without duplicating the space required on the DVD but you need to duplicate the timeline (like adding a Playlist) and in that timeline, simply remove the subtitles track. Then your menu buttons can be mapped accordingly and subtitles will be forced on or off without using the remote.


  • Mitch Silver

    February 16, 2016 at 6:51 pm

    Thank you. Makes perfect sense.

  • Preston Alexander

    January 20, 2020 at 3:00 pm

    I faced the same issue – needing to create an actual menu link to either show or not show subtitles. Note that I’m referring to actual subtitles that I created via Encore, not closed captions that I created in Premiere. Note: I am using Encore CS6.

    In my case, I did not have the luxury of creating a duplicate Timeline since my menu system was extensive already and the main Timeline that has the subtitles is a full-length movie. No way would a second Timeline fit on the standard DVD disc.

    Here’s my solution: I created a sub menu to handle the subtitle on and off feature and created two regular buttons: Play Movie with Subtitles On & Play Movie with Subtitles Off.

    For the subtitles ON button, I chose the dropdown arrow the right of the Link option under the Basic button panel. At the very bottom of the dropdown that shows up when you click the dropdown arrow, you will see “Specify Link” as an option. Pick this one.

    I have multiple Chapters in my long movie: the Specify Link panel that pops up will show the Main Timeline name atop a list of Chapters below. My screen defaulted to Chapter 1. I clicked instead on the top of the list, choosing the name of the Timeline (I don’t think this makes any difference, but this is what I did). The important steps follow: at the bottom right of the panel you will see the Subtitle selection rectangle and it has its own dropdown arrow to the right. Click on it. A new, slim white panel will pop up on your screen, showing possible choices for selecting the track for your subtitles (I only have one track, for English Subtitles but you may have multiple ones. For this setting, since I WANT the subtitles to show with this Timeline, I chose the #1 track from the Subtitles. Once selected, you are returned to the Specify Link pop up window. You will then see confirmation that you indeed selected the proper Subtitle track number. Click OK to return back to the button panel. That should do it.

    Do the same steps for the OFF option for your subtitles, but when you get the slim white popup screen showing subtitle tracks to choose from, select the OFF option, and then verify that subtitles are indeed set OFF when you return to the Specify Link pop up screen. Again select OK and you are now set.

    Go to your menu that has these subtitle options on it and right click to get the pop up menu, select the Preview Menu option and test both subtitle options.

    Note that these two buttons will not only set your subtitles on or off, they will also start playing your Timeline as well. If you happen to want to begin your Timeline playback at a different Chapter, then back on Specify Link pop up window, select your desired Chapter number.

    Hope this helps.

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