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Activity Forums Canon Cameras Camera recommendations for shooting video in low light?

  • Camera recommendations for shooting video in low light?

    Posted by Cory May on June 22, 2019 at 8:15 pm

    I’m just getting into video recording and video editing and I’m looking for a recommendation on a camera for filming in low light. I’d rather spend <$500 usd to start out. Basically I’m going for a similar effect found in this video. I don’t plan on taking videography too far, just mostly for clips/playthroughs of things I write. The guy in the video told me he uses a canon rebel t5i and 1 softbox light. With all the cameras on the market and my lack of knowledge just thought I’d see what you guys’ thoughts are. Thanks!

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    Rob Gutermuth replied 2 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Morten Carlsen

    March 18, 2020 at 11:58 am

    I’d go to YouTube and enter a search string there.

    Lots of video samples which will enable you to judge better than when reading…


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  • Steve Delarre

    May 14, 2020 at 10:22 pm

    No expert mate, but I have a Canon XLH1 that shoots in low light very well indeed. I used to do a lot of live stage recording and In manual mode the low light abilities of the XL really came into their own. I have a pair of XA10’s, much newer but no where near as good in low light, those thre CCD’s and big lens make a difference.

    I wonder what more experienced people think.

  • Brack Wom

    April 24, 2021 at 9:57 am

    I’ll recommend Canon EOS R first full-frame mirrorless camera from Canon.

  • Rob Gutermuth

    August 12, 2022 at 1:58 pm

    If you are shooting shorts and other things that are under 20 mins, you can use a mirrorless or DSLR – there is always an argument about that VS true video or cinema cameras.

    Your Budget and types of projects will dictate what you will buy – use good lighting though – don’t buy a $200 light kit and think you will get decent results

    I personally am old school – I love some of the new R series canons but Im still a camcorder and cinema fan for longer form stuff for sure – you can always use those for shorter things, but I would never shoot a 2 hr performance with a DSLR esp in 4K, etc… I can’t speak to the New Mirrorless cameras.

    I will say for video I think the XA50 is a great camera in low light with it’s 1 inch sensor, and it will do 4K30 at least. – if money is tight, yeah, then one of the newer rebels are good too if these are shorter as I mentioned…

    I wouldn’t buy anything older than about 2019 though if you want truly decent low light performance – cameras are so much better in low light than they were even 5 years ago…

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