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c4D 2023 remesh causes lines between texture islands
Posted by Hans Castrop on June 24, 2024 at 9:44 amAfter I’m doing a remesh (no matter which kind) my texture-map is applied, but has these lines in between the islands. Anyone for a solution?
Hans Castrop replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Kouraib Abdmalek
June 24, 2024 at 11:45 amHi Hans,
Depending on the complexity of the model, you have some methods that may help you to overcome this. If the model is simple, you could re-layout your UVs to fit the existing maps. Otherwise, I suggest shoving it into a volume builder before processing in remeshing. If you are a Zbrush user, you could also project the maps in Zbrush onto the remeshed version. If none of the above works for you, I suggest you remeshing in another program, such as Moi 3D.
I hope this is useful to you.
Hans Castrop
June 24, 2024 at 8:55 pmHi Kouraib,
not the answer I was hoping for…
maxon was so proud they could texture with remesh, …but this is useless. Yes, I know I can use different programs to do just that. I’m using metashape since my textures come from photogrammetry. That works fine. I was hoping C4D could as well so I can add it to my workflow.
Mind you, your answer is very welcome, the disappointment is with c4d.
Thanks for your help.
Kouraib Abdmalek
June 25, 2024 at 7:12 amYou’re welcome, Hans! Unfortunately, this is the data available so far. may be I don’t explained well when it comes to Zbrush, I mean project the maps in zbrush onto the remeshed version, the resulting in polypaint and then export the polypaint into a new texture then you could add it to your workflow in c4d. What about Volumbuilder? Didn’t the result improve by using it before the remesh procedure? Another thing, it is preferable to use Remesh in the latest c4d version. because, according to observers, they seem to be getting better at remeshing little by little. I think we don’t have to be disappointed about that because the problem is related to the nature of the program as it is designed for 3D creation, therefore, the same problem exists in Blender for example, unlike programs designed for sculpting and painting, you will find this matter better because it is related to the general purpose of the program. It’s like trying to edit an image on cinema 4d. You can do that, but it won’t be the same as in Photoshop. However, the situation may improve in future releases.
Hans Castrop
June 25, 2024 at 7:49 amHi Kouraib,
regarding volume builder; I tend to not use it too often, because my source is photogrammetry and scanning, with as a result of tens of millions of faces in the 3D object. I want to keep the detail of my source. (for instance a chair with fine woodcarvings). volume builder is a bit rough for my purpose (on my PC :).)
Now I’m remeshing the chair as a prop in a cloth dynamics setup to get some workable object.
Zbrush: I’m not using so I was looking into my main tool for 3D: C4D.
Thanks for giving the indepth explanation of the programs.
Kind regards,
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