bringing Keyframe data from AE to Motion (Motion XML format question)
I am attempting to set up a workflow for a project where it would be useful to be able to bring keyframe data from Adobe After Effects to Apple Motion (something I suspect may not be done very much if at all…) Please don’t ask why I am attempting to do this : ) Has anyone done this or tried to do this ?
It is fine in this case if the keyframe interpolation is limited to Linear – which I think should simplify it a lot…
I just set up the same very simple sample animation in both Motion and AE. I animate the opacity of a color solid over the course of 10 seconds. If I copy the AE keyframes and paste into a text editor it looks like this ;See how there is a Keyframe at the start where opacity is 100 and then a keyframe 90 frames in where the opacity is 60 percent. In the Motion project file (which is an XML file) the nearly identical animation keyframe data appears like this ;
Obviously it’s expressing opacity as zero to one rather than zero to 100 ( so 60% opacity is here seen as .599999 and that’s easy to understand and account for) but when it lists the time for the second keyframe (the one at the 60th frame) as “455680 153600 1 0” I’m trying to figure out where that number is coming from. All the keyframes show the “153600 1 0” so I assume the “455680” part is indicating the specific time of that keyframe… The developer doc describing the Motion XML format (found here ; https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/motion_XML_guide/ESA/ESA.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007455-CH6-SW59) simply shows this (leading me to expect a simple frame number) ;
If anyone has any clues about this or any other workflow ideas for going from AE to Motion I’d appreciate hearing about it – thanks