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Activity Forums Media 100 Bought an old iBook and downloaded Media 100 2.6.2, need an activation key…

  • Bought an old iBook and downloaded Media 100 2.6.2, need an activation key…

    Posted by Matthew Hall on October 25, 2020 at 7:20 am

    Hi everyone, I finally got around to transferring some old 3D Maya animations that I had edited together in Media 100 about 20 years ago, it was for a demo tape I put together to get my start in the games industry. I’ve been on a recent quest to get these files transferred, backed-up and updated to more modern formats. This has led me to buying an iBook, a Jaz drive and now have downloaded an old copy of Media 100 2.6.2 from the Macintosh Repository website.

    However it seems I need an activation key to get the software running and my files opened. Is that still something that can be obtained?

    I have reached out to Rich via the contact form as suggested in another thread about a different subject.

    Let me know if anyone has any info on getting this old copy activated so I can re-export these files in a hopefully more up-to-date format.

    Thank you!

    Andrew Mehta replied 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Andrew Mehta

    November 2, 2020 at 11:04 pm

    Did you manage to get the old files opened? =). What operating system version number is the iBook running? Today’s free Media 100 Suite 2.1.8b works on OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.6 (there’s a bug with NTSC Media100i 601 codec footage on 10.6.8 that is fixed in OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion) through to MacOS Mojave 10.14.

    Media 100 Suite marks a reboot of the version numbering. So Media 100 version 2 is very different to Media 100 Suite 2. You can get an idea of the version numbering here:

    It went from 1 to 13, and then Suite 1 to Suite 2. The current version is Suite 2.1.8b. It can be downloaded for free here:

    If you are running an operating system earlier than Apple’s OSX 10.6.6 then you will likely need an earlier version of Media 100 software.

    Rich is the person who maintains so you’ve likely already contacted the best person to provide you with any activation keys for earlier software, and I suspect he’s probably already told you about the latest version I’ve mentioned here too. ^_^.

    You can also download Apple’s ProRes codecs and use them with Media 100. That will then allow you to convert the footage into a modern format for use on MacOS Catalina or Big Sur, in other video editing apps, etc. Media 100 Suite 2.1.8b supports all sorts of codecs from Apple ProRes, to the classic Media 100i codec, or even Media 100 HD Uncompressed. That said, Media 100 is best for opening your old editing programs… for actual conversion of footage, you may wish to export a quicktime file from Media 100, and then convert that quicktime file in something like Quicktime Player 7 Pro, Apple Compressor, or Edit Ready, or some other encoding software.

    Where are you up to so far in the process?

    All done now? Or still needing any help?

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