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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy Boris Calligraphy missing in 5.1.2

  • Boris Calligraphy missing in 5.1.2

    Posted by Oliver Peters on January 18, 2007 at 1:08 pm

    I know this has been discussed before, but has anyone found an answer to this issue, yet? Mine disappeared this week. Reinstalled from disc, trashed FCP and Title prefs. Nothing works. It’s there in the folder but doesn’t show up in the generators pulldown. Only thing that seems to work (for now) is download BC1.1 from the Apple support site and install that. At least it shows up. Thoughts?

    I hope Apple and/or Boris get this worked out by NAB because right now all the Boris products are pretty flakey in FCP and the various Boris workarounds and patches are not reliable solutions. For now, I’ve ripped out all the other Boris plug-ins within FCP until this gets resolved. Fortunately they are fine in all the others apps on my system. And creating other users isn’t an appealing option.

    FCP 5.1.2 PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz 10.4.8


    Oliver Peters
    Post-Production & Interactive Media
    Orlando, FL

    Oliver Peters replied 18 years ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Walter Biscardi

    January 18, 2007 at 1:12 pm

    Do you have Boris Continuum Complete 4.0 installed on your system? If so, you need to run the patch on the Boris site to correct this issue.

    We have had zero issues with Title 3D since running that patch and we use it every day. It works great here on the Mac Pro Quad 3.0 with FCP 5.1.2.

    Walter Biscardi, Jr.
    HD Editorial & Animation for Food Network’s “Good Eats”
    HD Editorial for “Assignment Earth”

    “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” – Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  • Oliver Peters

    January 18, 2007 at 1:28 pm


    I did have BCC4 installed in FCP earlier, but ripped it out of FCP. It still exists on my system for AE and Motion, though. I ran the patch last night without success, but I have not taken BCC4 totally off of the system. I suppose that’s the next step.

    Unfortunately, Boris (like most other OSX software vendors) does not provide a proper Uninstall utility, so you end up having to run through all the various Library folders to find all the pieces to remove. BTW, I also installed Red 4.1 and it briefly showed up in FCP and then went away as well, so this whole thing seems to relate to a global issue in how Boris FX is doing their plug-ins coupled with Apple’s move away from supporting the AE-compliant filter API.

    If I get a chance, I’ll try again tonight and see what happens. Thanks.


    Oliver Peters
    Post-Production & Interactive Media
    Orlando, FL

  • Walter Biscardi

    January 18, 2007 at 1:34 pm

    You don’t have to un-install BCC 4. Just run the patch which is a script that changes the names of all the BCC4 filters by adding a “z” to the front of each name. That complete fixed our issue here. Prior to that, FCP would quit everytime we tried to use Title 3D.

    If BCC 4 is still on your system, simply pull the plugs out of the FCP Plug-Ins folder until you can run the script.

    Walter Biscardi, Jr.
    HD Editorial & Animation for Food Network’s “Good Eats”
    HD Editorial for “Assignment Earth”

    “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” – Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  • Oliver Peters

    January 18, 2007 at 1:39 pm

    [walter biscardi] “If BCC 4 is still on your system, simply pull the plugs out of the FCP Plug-Ins folder until you can run the scrip”

    That’s what I did last night and it didn’t work.


    Oliver Peters
    Post-Production & Interactive Media
    Orlando, FL

  • Walter Biscardi

    January 18, 2007 at 1:45 pm

    [Oliver Peters] “That’s what I did last night and it didn’t work.”

    interesting. I just pulled them and put them on the desktop until Boris came up with the fix and I was able to run FCP just fine and even use Title 3D just so long at the plugs were out of the folder and FCP did not attempt to load them up.

    Walter Biscardi, Jr.
    HD Editorial & Animation for Food Network’s “Good Eats”
    HD Editorial for “Assignment Earth”

    “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” – Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  • Oliver Peters

    January 18, 2007 at 5:35 pm

    Unfortuantely there are two wild cards in this sort of troubleshooting. First, my exact combo of 3rd party plugs isn’t the same as another user. Secondly, code is tweaked for processors. So, although a plug-in works on G4, G5 and Intel processors, it might not actually work in an identical fashion under the hood. A fix that works with a G5 may or may not work with a G4. These things add enough variables to make it hard to isolate the cause when the basic fixes don’t work. I’ll try some more in the next few days and see if I have any success. Thanks.


    Oliver Peters
    Post-Production & Interactive Media
    Orlando, FL

  • Matt Geller

    January 20, 2007 at 7:17 am

    I’ve had the same exact issue happen on a machine here in Chicago, and I think I might have your answer.

    I’ll assume that the real issue is that the plugins aren’t even showing up in FCP, even though they seem to be in the right location within /Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System/Plugins

    What I found was that since I had installed After Effects after FCS, the “.bundle” designation after the boris plugin folders had somehow turned them into AE plugs. When looking at these items, (Text Scrambler, Title 3D, Title Crawl and Vector Shape) they even had AE plug icons.

    The fix was pretty simple. On the Desktop, I created new folders and called them:

    Text Scrambler.bundle
    Title 3D.bundle
    Title Crawl.bundle
    Vector Shape.bundle

    Each time, the Finder asked if I wanted the .bundle extension added, to which I responded “Add.” I then opened each “bundle” by right-clicking on each one and selecting “Show Package Contents”. Then, I opened the packages of the Boris Plugs (using the same technique) and then dragged the “Contents” folder of each plug into the corresponding folders I had created on the desktop. I then deleted the old plugs and placed my new home-spun plugs into the folder. A restart of FCP had the plugs working fine again.

    Let me know if this does the trick.

    Matt Geller
    Meta Media

  • Oliver Peters

    January 20, 2007 at 4:34 pm


    I tried this and it worked – sort of. When I created new folders and named them “.bundle”, as you suggested, they showed up as regular folder icons and didn’t give me a “show package contents” selection. So this didn’t work when I simply copied the contents from one folder to another. So what I did instead, was to find another 3rd party plug-in installer on my hard drive that had the proper icon. I made copies and renamed them to match the 4 Boris choices, but leaving off any extension. The icon stayed and I was able to “show package contents”. Then I deleted the contents from the copied file and replaced it with the contents of the corresponding Boris plug-in from the FCP Plug-ins folder. I then trashed the “.bundle” versions in the FCP plug-ins folder and replaced them with the newly created plug-ins. These then showed up properly again as a Boris category under generators and the 4 selections were under Boris as before. Many thanks.


    Oliver Peters
    Post-Production & Interactive Media
    Orlando, FL

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