“Bleeding” an image (?) as a Last Resort
Is there a way to take a black still image that’s larger than project settings size and overlay it as a top layer? I’ve still got this recurring issue of underlayers showing through on an upper layer letterbox image, and it’s becoming maddening…
For example, in my 720×486 SD projects, when I render a 640×480 approval WMV for my client, I (very frequently) get a couple of video sequences that show through either top and bottom and/or side to side outside of the letterbox TGA file (it’s just a “cover” image to make a 16:9 appearance inside a standard 4X3 frame).
I’ve tried every possible setting known to Vegas in terms of square pixel, non-square pixel, scale to fill frame, and nothing is reliable enough to know what really solves the problem. I’ve even tried to scale my already 720×486 letterbox image UP so it lives partially outside the 720×486 frame size, but even that doesn’t seem to help. That was my (failed also) “bleed” idea.
And, to be clear, the image I’m using is the top-most layer.
Now, the only other thing I can think to describe here is that there only seems to be a problem with either 640×480 WMV output and 720×480 MPG2 output. MOVs at 720×486 look perfect. But, I just find it troublesome to send an approval movie to a client with extraneous garbage showing through the margins of my spots.
I’d be happy to create an example of what I’m talking about if anyone has any clues, and I sure would love to know what the heck is going on…
Thanks, as always,