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  • Blade clips in Multicam angle editor

    Posted by Mark Smith on July 26, 2016 at 6:36 pm

    I have 2 synced angles of a performance and a third angle that was shot as a pick up with a camera on a gimbal. The performance on the Gimbal takes goes in and out of sync with the master shots so what I was thinking to do is carve away the out of sync bits of the Gimbal performance which would allow me to slip the in sync portions of the gimbal performance into near perfect sync positions. When I try to blade and lift out a section of the gimbal take to allow me to jiggle the good pieces around more freely, it doesn’t seem possible to lift out chunk of the gimbal angle and replace it with a gap clip which would give me the wiggle room. Is this move not possible or am i missing something?

    Don Smith replied 8 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jeff Kirkland

    July 27, 2016 at 12:12 am

    As far as I know, in the angle editor you just drag the clip into place. Gap clips don’t apply. Or you can select the segment and re-sync it.

    (For some reason I can\’t edit my own posts so apologies in advance for the stupid mistakes and bad English that I can\’t go back and fix)

    Jeff Kirkland | Video Producer & Cinematographer
    Melbourne, Australia | Twitter: @jeffkirkland

  • Mark Smith

    July 27, 2016 at 3:29 am

    So yeah I get that. I put the whole pick up takes in place with close sync to the master and thought I could carve away the parts of the pick ups not in sync with the master, but when I bladed and tried to eliminate the parts that don’t sync , I couldn’t do it.
    I guess I could blade and then shift clips to separate them from the blade point, then do some trim edits, to create some space between clips, then shift them around once I have some space to move.

    If I can do it this way then when I make cuts in the angle viewer I’ll know that when I see the pick up angle appear in the angle viewer, I can take it immediately . It will be so much easier in this case if it works.

  • Jeff Kirkland

    July 27, 2016 at 3:52 am

    Maybe I’m missing something? I can blade any clip in an angle or mark a range and hit delete and it gets removed, leaving the rest of the clip in place.


    (For some reason I can\’t edit my own posts so apologies in advance for the stupid mistakes and bad English that I can\’t go back and fix)

    Jeff Kirkland | Video Producer & Cinematographer
    Melbourne, Australia | Twitter: @jeffkirkland

  • Darren Roark

    July 27, 2016 at 5:30 am

    Yeah, the angle editor isn’t ‘magnetic’.

  • Jeff Kirkland

    July 27, 2016 at 5:59 am

    Yeah, I know – wouldn’t make sense if it was. I was referring to the original poster’s inability to delete parts of a synced clip.

    (For some reason I can\’t edit my own posts so apologies in advance for the stupid mistakes and bad English that I can\’t go back and fix)

    Jeff Kirkland | Video Producer & Cinematographer
    Melbourne, Australia | Twitter: @jeffkirkland

  • Mark Smith

    July 27, 2016 at 10:49 am

    I dunno . This is weird but not matter how I select a chunk of a clip in the angle editor be it range or blading a larger clip into some smaller sections then selecting, I cannot then delete that selected section no matter what I try. I am running El Cap on my iMac, latest version of x, all updates up to date.

  • Mark Smith

    July 27, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    Ok so , today blading and removing sections of clips works. Maybe I need to quit the app when stuff like this happens and re open the project, then try again…..

  • Mark Smith

    July 29, 2016 at 12:49 pm

    I delivered the second of two 18 minute multi cam cuts and after a few fix ups of mistakes I made while cutting, the process was pretty quick . I used proxy media for the cut which worked well on a pocket drive . I think the multicam feature in X is genius . Clip syncing was fast and accurate . Most of all I like how the features in the app make the technical stuff pretty painless and allow me to focus on the edit.

  • Don Smith

    August 6, 2016 at 12:11 pm

    I once was baffled by the inability to move one clip on an angle without affecting a second clip on the same angle. How did i get into this ‘mode’? I reviewed Mark Spencer’s excellent tutorial ‘Multicam Editing in Final Cut Pro X’ and while he doesn’t speak to exactly what conditions lock clip relationships within the same angle, it was clear by one example that executing one type of sync will affect all clips on the same angle. In his example, he had two Steadicam clips on the same angle. If you have that tutorial, the section I’m referring to is Chapter 13 starting a five minutes in. The first clip was in sync while the second was not. Now, I’m following along because I had downloaded the media for the lesson and I found that I could reposition the second clip without affecting the first. In other words, I could not recreate that time when I couldn’t figure out why moving one angle was affecting the other angle that also locked me out of all other methods of manipulating a single clip on an angle with more than one clip. Mark showed, however, one method of sync’ing that errant clip with a Monitoring Angle can affect all clips on the angle where you’re trying to fix just one clip. Make a clip a Monitoring Angle, use it’s drop-down men to select “Sync to Monitoring Angle…”. Notice the ‘dot dot dot’ at the end. You may know from being a Mac user that those three dots means there’s another step to come before the action takes place. Selecting that option on a monitoring angle gives you a two-up display and, with Clip Skimming enabled, you are now free to choose any clip, skim to a frame you want to sync with the playhead position on the monitoring angle and click. That chosen clip frame will cause the whole clip to pop into sync with the Monitoring angle. Select ‘Done’. However, if you just sync’d a clip on an angle that has other clips on the same angle, those other clips will also move! To sync the others that moved select them individually and Sync Selected Clip to Monitoring Angle. So, I guess I’m saying with many words of explanation, that trying to move or manipulate one clip but being denied can depend on the operation mode you may be in. Normally, you will be free to manipulate one clip on an angle without affecting other clips on the same angle. I hope I’ve made sense here.

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