Bin rename causing AVID to crash
Hello, I have an editor working on a long form series (remotely using Jump Desktop) that is experiencing crashing while renaming bins and switching between applications (ie AVID to Chrome and back, AVID to Slack and back). These issues seem to steadily grow more problematic over time (ie the client was working well on weeks 1-4, not so well during weeks 5-6). I moved this editor to a different AVID client due these performance issues, but now the same issues are coming up again on the new client (after approximately the same amount of time). Any insight as to why the issue is something that could be happening as a result of overall time of use?w
The issues are not 100% consistent and replicable, but at least once a day now he reports that when renaming a bin (without using spaces/special characters) – AVID freezes forcing him to force quit the application. In some instances the OS is so sluggish from this crash that he is unable to restart the computer and requires a hard power down to boot back up. Suffice to say the restart “solves” the issue but I’m trying to guard against this issue occurring multiple times a day at which point constantly restarting the system is not optimal.
Our AVID engineer has poked around when this issue first arose but we let it go after we switched clients and the issue subsided. His initial suspicion was that in the case of bins being renamed using special characters that the NEXIS freaks out with illegal characters and can cause a crash potentially. Tough to say where to point:
Is it AVID version related?
Is it user profile related?
Mac Model? OS?
Nexis version? Settings?
There are 6 other editors on the series that have not reported this issue, although they may not be performing as many rename actions as him. I’m really just curious why the issue seems to present over time – the fact that the client performs well for a period of weeks and then becomes “corrupted” at some point.
Ayn advice or input is welcome. We have a ticket open with AVID and I’ll share any feedback we get come time.
MC v 2023.12.3
Mac Studio 2023 M2 MAX
OS 13.6.7