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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Beauty and the Beast – VFX Breakdown

  • Roland R. kahlenberg

    March 7, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    Great job Mike! Which app(s) did you use?

    Latest AE Workshop – MoGraph Intensity – Shapes & Text

    Intensive mocha & AE Training in Singapore and Other Dangerous Locations

    Imagineer Systems (mocha) Certified Instructor
    & Adobe After Effects CS6 ACE/ACI

  • Mike Sevigny

    March 9, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    Here’s a list of the software/pipeline I worked out for BATB.

    After Effects CS6
    AE plugins: Trapcode Suite, BCC, Sapphire and VC Flares.

    Matchmoving/Object Track:
    PFtrack 2012

    3D Applications:
    3D Studio Max w/FumeFX
    Vue (I only used this for sky generation, nothing mad)

    The bulk of the first season was completed by 4 guys. My assistant which is a roto/paint machine, 2 very talented 3D Artists and myself.

    Thanks Roland,

    Mike Sevigny
    TorusFX Inc.

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