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Activity Forums DSLR Video Backing up video on external dvd recorder – which camera is best

  • Backing up video on external dvd recorder – which camera is best

    Posted by Luc Tarradelles on November 30, 2018 at 10:34 pm


    So I currently own a Panasonic hmc-150 and backup video to an external dvd recorder in live time to hand the client a dvd right after the shoot. Though for an upcoming shoot, I would like to use a Panasonic GH5s, which records, even at its lowest 1080p settings, much bigger files than the much older Panasonic hmc-150, I would guestimate at about 3-4 times bigger files when both cameras are set in their lowest bit rate/resolution settings.

    My question is, will I be using more dvd’s if I use the GH5s? Or does the external dvd recorder (Sony DVDirect VRD-MC5 DVD Recorder) downconvert any signal coming from a camera at a uniform size? I would prefer using the GH5s, but I don’t want to use more dvd’s in order to do so.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Blaise Douros replied 5 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Blaise Douros

    December 3, 2018 at 7:24 pm

    If your DVD player is taking in an HDMI signal, then you can get any HDMI-capable camera, and the result will be the same; DVDs are encoded with a uniform mpeg2 codec.

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