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  • Avid to Premiere Pro workflow

    Posted by Paul Carlin on September 24, 2015 at 7:07 pm

    I have a project in Avid that I wanted to port over to Premiere Pro. In the Avid all the media is DNxHD 36. In Premiere, I recaptured all the media to the camera original HDV. Having worked on Smoke/Flame all my life, I didn’t think it would be a big deal to tell Premiere to relink to the media using tape and timecode.

    As a relative newbie to Premiere, I’m hoping someone will clue me in to how to do what I consider so simple.

    1) I tried exporting an AAF of the sequence as recommended by Adobe. Premiere wants to relink to the DNxHD MXF files in the Avid Media folder. I want to relink to the newly captured HDV media. Premiere tells me to find “ROM038V01.49766B8E_49766B8C”… not very friendly. Premiere also complained about audio capture formats and other such nonsense. Complete fail.

    1) I tried exporting an EDL of the sequence. The EDLs contain all I need, tape (or Reel ID, not to be confused with tape name) and timecode. I’m feeling really good about this as this is the world I live in… reconform using tape and timecode. I import the EDL into Premiere and it creates a sequence and a bin full of unlinked media sources. Not really what I was hoping for.

    I take the sequence and Link Media. Premiere has options for “Match File Properties” that give me hope. Tape Name and Media Start look to be what I want. When I proceed, it asks me to locate all the media on my hard drive. Why? I already have all the media loaded? Can’t it just use the tape and timecode and relink to my existing media? I play along and locate the HDV media files it wants. But then I discover that it is looking for the CLIP NAME (derived from the EDL as the FROM CLIP NAME: comment). This does me no good as a single tape may have multiple clip names. Not to mention that the clip name and file name don’t always match.

    Furthermore, for each EDL I must now live with a bin of linked source clips that I can’t delete. Multiple bins full of duplicate clips. What a mess.

    Why is this process so aggravating? Why can’t I just relink to my existing loaded media using tape and timecode? Is there a hack to make this happen? Am I really the only person on this planet using Premiere as a finishing conform tool?

    Thanks for any advice. Right now I’m looking at manually overcutting a visual reference.

    – Paul

    Andrew Kimery replied 9 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Andrew Kimery

    September 24, 2015 at 7:34 pm

    I haven’t worked with DNxHD 36 but I assume it’s too low quality (even when the source is HDV) to finish with and that’s why you aren’t using it in PPro? What if you capture as online quality in Avid and then send to PPro?

    What if you created an offline sequence in Avid and send that to PPro? This would probably meaning recapturing the tapes in PPro.

    Have you tried using Resolve Lite as a middle man?

    I honestly don’t know how robust the media management/onlining/conforming type features are in PPro since it’s an NLE, not a finishing tool.

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