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  • A/V drift with LHe

    Posted by Winston A. cely on September 27, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    First off, I do not do in-house audio mixing, or color correction. – After the edit is complete, we send to a finishing house where full fledged color correction and audio sweetening can be done. – I have an external monitor (just a TV) for viewing, and to make sure my titles and FX don’t look jittery. I know this isn’t ideal, but until I can get my hands on a good external monitor, this will have to do. Ghetto, I know, but I’m getting paid for my editing not my setup.

    My Signature has my computer specs.

    I’m getting serious drift in both audio and video when I try to view on my external monitor using the 525i29.97 (Composite + Y/C) Analog output of my Kona LHe. I had a similar setup with an actual color correction monitor, and everything was synced fine. I’ve been getting this with every driver version for the LHe (currently using 3.4 – don’t have FCS 2 yet so I can’t use version 4 of the driver). I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, but it’s still there. I looked in the pdf that came with the driver for trouble shooting, but I can’t find the exact problem. I also tried adjusting the Frame Offset in FCP, but no matter what, the drift will show up. I’m editing an DV sequence, and have my output set up for that as well.

    Is it really the monitor (TV)? I know it’s not the ideal setup, but it’s worked in the past.

    Winston A. Cely
    Editor/Owner | Della St. Media, LLC

    “If God could do the tricks we can do, He’d be a happy Man.” – Peter O’Toole – “The Stuntman”

    Mac Pro 3GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
    4 GB RAM | Final Cut Studio 5.1.4 | Aja Kona LHe

    Winston A. cely replied 17 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Szumlins

    September 27, 2007 at 2:58 pm

    Are you saying you aren’t getting sync from your audio and video? How are you monitoring audio (which source, MacPro or Kona LHe)? Audio always needs to follow video so your monitoring should be hooked up via the Kona.

    Maybe I’m not understanding your problem correctly though.

  • Winston A. cely

    September 27, 2007 at 3:26 pm

    I’m monitoring audio from my video from my card. Here’s what happens:

    I press play, the video in my Canvas, the Audio from the card, and the video on the TV are all synced at first. Then, after a few seconds, the Canvas video and the card audio are still synced, but the video on the external monitor is drifting, farther and farther behind.

    Sorry about how cryptic my original post is. Rereading it again, I’m surprised anyone responded! Thanks!

    Winston A. Cely
    Editor/Owner | Della St. Media, LLC

    “If God could do the tricks we can do, He’d be a happy Man.” – Peter O’Toole – “The Stuntman”

    Mac Pro 3GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
    4 GB RAM | Final Cut Studio 5.1.4 | Aja Kona LHe

  • Szumlins

    September 27, 2007 at 3:33 pm

    Double check your PCI Expansion Slot utility, make sure the Kona card has 4x lanes.

    /System/Library/CoreServices/Expansion Slot

  • Winston A. cely

    September 27, 2007 at 4:01 pm

    You sir, are the “bomb!” That was it. Get this, it was set up for 1x lanes! Anyway, we’re up and running now. Thanks again!

    Winston A. Cely
    Editor/Owner | Della St. Media, LLC

    “If God could do the tricks we can do, He’d be a happy Man.” – Peter O’Toole – “The Stuntman”

    Mac Pro 3GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
    4 GB RAM | Final Cut Studio 5.1.4 | Aja Kona LHe

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