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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Audio out of sync after render

  • Audio out of sync after render

    Posted by Mike Stern on January 13, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    I ran into a weird problem.
    I’ve made a video using after effects and combined it with sound (i know after effects isn’t good for audio, but it was just a little project). When I RAM preview it, the audio and the video are synced just fine, although after i render the video, the final result is not synced.
    The fps is the same in the ram preview and the render, so i can’t figure out why does it happen.
    Any ideas?

    Adam China replied 7 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Mike Stern

    January 13, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    Actually i didnt import anything, its only animation i made inside after effects mixed with sound which I imported..
    So i guess thats not the problem

  • Mike Stern

    January 14, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    nope. im using wav files..

  • Steven Orshonsky

    October 21, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    Okay, frequent visitor first time caller. We recorded a video clip on our new Panasonic HD camcorder and having the same problem. Recorded to a chip and extracted with Panasonic’s viewer program. The file is 21 minutes long and 3.5GB in the m2t format. Seems like quite a large file size for the time. (Shot on green screen at 29.976 frames/sec.) Video skips and lags only when audio is previewed or rendered with the video. Renders okay without the audio.
    After Effects CS4, Window Vista
    2 questions: First, how do i convert to to a different codec. I tried running to an AVI through Correl Video Studio Pro 3x but same problem.
    Second, what codecs work with After Effects?
    Also, should it really take 11 hours to render?

  • Lane Force

    November 11, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    I have the same problem rendering h264 out of AE–my audio is always just a step behind when I render out the mp4 in h264 compression. Fine when I render uncompressed, but for some reason the audio lags a few frames when rendering out of AE to this format. What’s up with that?

  • Adam China

    February 26, 2017 at 7:01 pm

    Hi Dave. Which codec would you recommend converting to and how best to do it? Can it be done with Adobe Media Converter?


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