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Activity Forums Compression Techniques At my wit’s end….. Need info on using ffmpeg to convert mp3 and image to mp4

  • At my wit’s end….. Need info on using ffmpeg to convert mp3 and image to mp4

    Posted by James Robinson on October 5, 2019 at 1:16 am

    Hello all.
    I have combed the internet, tried everything suggested, and am in dire need of help.

    I am trying to add a jpg file to an mp3 and convert it to an mp4 to put on a DVD.

    I am using multiple files (both mp3 and jpg) in a directory, as follows:

    MP3 files: (48 kbps, 24000 Hz, Mono)
    etc, etc.

    JPG files from mp3 tag: (600×600, 600 dpi)
    etc., etc

    My goal is : (Video: 600×600, Data rate: 47 kbps, Total Bitrte: 157 kbps, FPS: 25; Audio 110 kbps, 24,000 Hz, Mono)
    etc, etc.

    I need the command line to count the total # of MP3’s and convert them automatically.

    Thank you all very much in advance for your help.

    James Robinson

    James Robinson replied 4 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Lou Logan

    October 9, 2019 at 6:49 pm

    ffmpeg can’t do this by itself. You need to use additional features present in your shell/command line.

    The answer depends on what you are using, but you didn’t mention your OS.

    For Linux or macOS you can use a Bash for loop:

    for f in *.jpg; do ffmpeg -framerate 25 -loop 1 -i "$f" -i "${f%.*}.mp3" -c:v libx264 -vf format=yuv420p -c:a aac -movflags +faststart -shortest "${f%.*}.mp4"; done

    If you’re on Windows refer to cmd, batch file, or PowerShell help resources regarding a “for loop” or whatever the Windows equivalent is.

  • James Robinson

    October 9, 2019 at 7:09 pm


    Thank you for your response. I am using Windows 7.

    I will give it my best shot, but may be back….

    Thank you again,


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