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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Archiving projects: trim long clips?

  • Archiving projects: trim long clips?

    Posted by Paulo Jan on May 1, 2012 at 2:33 pm

    Hi all:

    I have to archive an After Effects project where I have some large clips, of which only a small part was used (you know the deal: a 5 Gb. clip, and only 5 or 6 sec. were used from it). From what I’ve read in the help and in various tutoriales, it doesn’t seem like the archiving functions in AE (“Collect files”, “Reduce project”) can trim those long clips to keep only the relevant parts (like in FCP and Avid’s media management tools). Am I right? In that case, what are my options? (Other than trimming by hand).

    Erik Waluska replied 12 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Erik Waluska

    May 1, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    That’s a sorely needed function in AE and there’s not really any easy way to do it that I’m aware of. I think it could be done with scripts and there are two scripts out there that could probably be combined
    so that you could just select all of your footage layers, run the script and then just render out the trimmed footage to replace the long clips in your project.

    The two scripts are Video Copilot’s Trim Compose script and rd: Pre-compose from the redefinery.

    The new script would need to be able to:
    – Pre-comp the clips while trimming the comp and offering handle options
    – Leave or move all attributes
    – Correctly deal with clips that have time-remapping applied
    – Make individual comps if multiple clips are selected
    – Add the trimmed comps to the render queue
    – Replace the trimmed comps with the rendered footage or set as a proxy for the comps in the render settings

    Maybe someone with some scripting chops might have a go at it.

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