Anyone has this ‘bug’? Multiple In-Out points Event switched in Timeline?
I’ve had this happen a couple of times, on new rMBP’s 15″, Pegasus Raid, FCPX 10.0.7, and can’t remember it happening on 10.0.6, so I’m wondering if this is a bug introduced in 10.0.7:
I have a one-hour clip, Prores LT in the Event. I skim trough it, put multiple in-and out points, having 2 clips in my event clip.
I click E for append to storyline.
It puts the 2 clips in the storyline, but the second clip first. It switches their order.
And it does this even if I made the ranges in the correct order (first range 1 chronologically, then range 2).Anyone had this bug, or is this a user error? (I never had it in 10.0.6)