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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Any thoughts on best mpeg2 encoding software ?

  • Aanarav Sareen

    April 4, 2005 at 2:34 am

    [Steven L. Gotz] “Are these the current versions of each software?”

    No. Procoder is upto version 2.0. Don’t know about the others. But, since this article was written right before NAB, there is a good chance that most of these have been updated.

  • Tim Kolb

    April 4, 2005 at 4:32 am

    [Steven L. Gotz] “A year old? Is it still valid? Are these the current versions of each software?”

    No, they aren’t. But I suspect the results are far from useless. Unfortunately Main Concept’s encoder wasn’t included in the test so the original question doesn’t receive any additional answers.

    They test results seemed fair as far as what I know about these different solutions. I think having some experience with compression and understanding what your compression tool does well and using that knowledge to achieve the best result is as important as the compression tool itself.

    Kolb Syverson Communications
    Creative Cow Host
    2004, 2005 NAB Post Production Conference Premiere Pro Technical Chair
    Author, “The Easy Guide to Premiere Pro”
    “Premiere Pro Fast Track DVD Series”

  • Steven L. gotz

    April 4, 2005 at 4:56 am

    For my own purposes, I just like to have the best tools, mainly because I just like to have them. I don’t actually “need” anything new. But I am going to have some cash for toys since I am selling my DVStorm board. Not much, but I can throw in a few hundred extra if I want to.

    But as far as I can tell, Procoder just isn’t in my immediate future.

    Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 / After Effects 6.5 Pro
    Learning Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5
    Contributing Writer, PeachPit Press, Visual QuickPro Guide, Premiere Pro 1.5

  • Tim Kolb

    April 4, 2005 at 2:21 pm

    [Steven L. Gotz] “But as far as I can tell, Procoder just isn’t in my immediate future.”

    That’s legitimate…it’s an option in a pretty large group of options across a large cross section of price ranges.

    Kolb Syverson Communications
    Creative Cow Host
    2004, 2005 NAB Post Production Conference Premiere Pro Technical Chair
    Author, “The Easy Guide to Premiere Pro”
    “Premiere Pro Fast Track DVD Series”

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