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any chance of implementing copy pasting of screen shots?
Posted by Roei Tzoref on September 9, 2016 at 5:06 pmhey Y’all 🙂 If I understand correctly, when I want to show a screen capture I need to use a cloud service or your own cow cloud service for uploading photos.
this means:
1. going to a specific site
2. upload the photo
3. get the link.
4. paste it here with the code?or to use the image upload here: upload the image, see all the images I uploaded since the beginning of time and choose it from there, get the code, paste it here.
any chance of enabling copy pasting of images right in the board? this could save so much time if we could show images easily and users will use it more this saving all of us a great amount of time figuring out problems. video on the other hand works here splendidly as the youtube (vimeo too?) link shows the video right in here.
Tim Wilson replied 7 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
Abraham Chaffin
September 9, 2016 at 5:44 pmHello Roei,
Yes, we can look into implementing this into the site. Looking around the web seems to indicate browsers have matured to the point where this may be possible across major browsers. Whether or not this will work well in our current textarea text boxes is another question to be explored.
You can clean up your old image list by clicking on the red “X” by the images. This won’t delete the images from posts you’ve used them in, but will allow your list to be free of old images you no longer want to see. This may help in the short run, until the image paste from clipboard system is brought to the site.
Roei Tzoref
September 9, 2016 at 6:02 pmThanks Abraham that’s good to hear. also for the cleanup advice.
Abraham Chaffin
September 12, 2016 at 3:19 pmHello Roei,
After doing a bit more research on the current state of this issue and major browsers, Chrome is the only browser we can move forward supporting this feature for. Due to Chrome being the dominant browser which most of our users are using, the feature does seem worthwhile in implementing. Feel free to test it out and let us know how it is working for you.
Thanks for the feedback!
Roei Tzoref
September 12, 2016 at 3:52 pm[Abraham Chaffin] “Feel free to test it out and let us know how it is working for you.
“Sure! this is great! thank you.
it took more than 10 seconds to upload this image and it’s only 36k. could this be faster? I thought it was stuckanother test…
this one took almost the same amount of time. but its 300kanother test…
this one took almost the same amount of time. but its 2.6MBseems drag and drop does not work – this is less comfortable. if I want to copy an image to the clipboard it required more steps. for example if I have a gif I made in photoshop at my desktop, I would have to open it in chrome and then copy paste. with jpg’s it could work if I used the snipping tool so it’s at my clipboard but can also be a problem if it’s a file somewhere, I would have to find a way to have it in the clipboard before I paste.
Roei Tzoref
September 12, 2016 at 3:55 pmI won’t edit my post but instead write here. the 2 last images were supposed to be GIF files. since you can’t drag and drop, I opened them in chrome then copy pasted. it has created a png frame from them.
Abraham Chaffin
September 12, 2016 at 3:56 pmHello Roei,
Yes, the Chrome paste system uses PNG data when you paste. The delay is due to virus scanning on our side. I’m not sure we want to drop this in exchange for faster performance.
Roei Tzoref
September 12, 2016 at 4:01 pm
this is a 600k file. it took almost a minute. this seems too much.this message could be better. any chance to add progress percentage? and a way to cancel? one minute freeze makes me jumpy 🙂
Abraham Chaffin
September 12, 2016 at 4:23 pmHello Roei,
Thanks again for your feedback. We’ll keep improving this as we look into solutions to these issues.
Roei Tzoref
September 12, 2016 at 7:29 pmsure, anytime. feel free to PM through here or email me on this matter or any other.
Roei Tzoref
September 13, 2016 at 10:50 amtesting again:
Abraham did you do something? this is much faster now! I am enjoying this very much. I have a silly question: was this possible before and I missed it? because I am not sure now if I tried to drag into the text field or copy paste :/ if it is new, you should spread the word! I have, in here: 600k file
still very slow. maybe Half a minute. my recommendation is:
1. virus scanning? if you think it’s important then o.k but Adobe Forums don’t need that, are you sure we do?
2. a cancel option – very important
3. a percentage of progress, we humans don’t like to wait and if we wait we want a good reason
4. what about GIF files? any chance of implementing a fast way to put them here other than image upload?
5. drag and drop will probably fix 4 and is a great feature for avoiding multiple steps to get something into the clipboard
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