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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Animation: rotation in 90 degrees

  • Animation: rotation in 90 degrees

    Posted by Paulo Jan on September 27, 2010 at 10:15 am

    Hi all:

    During the last few years, I’ve been seeing a certain type of camera movement quite frequently, in all kinds of animations. The clearest example was in an UPN promo that Belief Design made a few years ago, and was discussed here in an old thread:

    But it seems that Belief has disappeared (at least their website has), so the closest example I could find instead was this:

    Notice how it follows the structure of:

    1) Show some stuff.
    2) The camera moves and rotates…
    3) …towards some other stuff.

    Now, my question is: is there any particular reason why, in 2), the camera always rotates in 90 (or 180) degree turns? First I thought that it was because the “stuff” shown tends to have a square shape, so the 90º turn is the most natural, but I can’t help suspecting that there is more to it. It seems to me that this kind of animation doesn’t have any specially fancy trick, and is just a matter of precomposing and parenting to nulls (either the camera or the entire scene), but I can’t help having the nagging feeling that there’s some kind of plugin, or tutorial, or recipe for this kind of movement that everybody knows but me, and that it requires 90º turns. In other words: do people use these turns because of aesthetical or technical reasons?

    (As I said, the above isn’ the only example I found, only the clearest. Other ones, although not exactly alike, are:

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    Michael Szalapski replied 14 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Michael Szalapski

    September 27, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    Aesthetic reasons. No plugin.
    Search for kinetic typography to find tons of info and tutorials. The Ford Truck “Rant” series of commercials is a great example of this.

    – The Great Szalam
    (The ‘Great’ stands for ‘Not So Great, in fact, Extremely Humble’)

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