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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects anamorphic lens flare

  • Michael Szalapski

    October 14, 2009 at 1:55 pm

    Knoll Light Factory Pro, currently offered by Red Giant is an excellent lens flare creation tool. You can create your own, customize theirs, or simpy use one of their decently large library of lens flares. It makes use of your GPU to speed render and response times. Also it gives you several options for keying.
    It is currently the most popular lens flare plug-in on the planet.

    However, is preparing what could be a better one…

    – The Great Szalam
    (The ‘Great’ stands for ‘Not So Great, in fact, Extremely Humble’)

    No trees were harmed in the creation of this message, but several thousand electrons were mildly inconvenienced.

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