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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X Alter a clip in a multicam ?

  • Alter a clip in a multicam ?

    Posted by Mark Smith on March 11, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    I have a Multicam with 4 angles, I have assembled a version and made numerous adjustments to two angles that we shot asynchronously . Angle 1 – a static wides shot needs some masking at top of frame – its all in the clear no tracking . Since I’ve already done a fair amount of work on this multcam clip but have not done the masking – this turns out to be a little problem because I can’t mask in the multicam. Here is my question: if I open the angle one clip from the browser, do the masking to the clip , close clip, will the changes follow through to the multicam clip that I have already created? seems like I only have one crack at this and I don’t want to Ef anything up.

    Mark Smith replied 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Bill Rabkin

    March 11, 2021 at 8:29 pm

    Hi, Mark,

    First, I suggest that you make a Snapshot of your project. In the Browser, right-click the project and select “Snapshot Project.” NOTE: Do NOT choose “Duplicate Project…” because any changes you make to either the original or the duplicate will also occur in the other. The snapshot gives you an independent copy of the project for “safe keeping.”

    Then, in the original project’s timeline double-click the multicam clip to open it in the Angle Viewer. Any changes that you make to angle clips in the Angle Viewer occur in the multicam clip.


  • Mark Smith

    March 11, 2021 at 8:50 pm

    Copy the snapshot point- the thing is I don’t think I can do the masking job in the angle editor. I created a mini multicam with 2 angles to take a swing at the masking but it did not work. I can’t copy a clip and stack it perfectly on top of itself. Angle editor won’t let me do that. I am no masking whiz and there may be a better way to mask- I have not found that yet.

  • Mark Smith

    March 15, 2021 at 12:47 pm

    So answering my own question- I had a moment and loaded the footage in question into a new test library, made a Q&D multicam and then tried to open one of the component clips in its own time line, and alter it. This did not work. I wanted to apply a mask and knock out some spurious stuff top of frame. I couldn’t make it work. I needed to have a solid black generator underneath the clip and couldn’t make that happen by opening clip in its own timeline. Back in my original edit I managed to solve the problem another way- I applied a little scale and rotation to the clip and took care of the problem that way.

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