‘Align to’ destroying my project
I’m creating a template where the user can enter their own text. This text is left justified, but centred on screen using an ‘Align to’ behaviour.
This text animates on line by line using 3 text behaviours (opacity, rotation and position)
When turning on ‘Align to’ sometimes it’s quick and responsive, other times I just get the spinning beach ball.
Unfortunately, after making some tweaks I turned ‘Align to’ back on and got the spinning beach ball but it never recovered, so I force quit Motion. Now, I can’t open the project as sits on the spinning Bech ball forever…
Activity monitor says ‘Motion (not responding)’ and is using 100.1% of the cpu.
Any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated, or even other behaviours I could use to make sure the left justified text is always centred on screen – that would be great.
iMac Pro 11.2.1
Motion 5.5.1
Thank you