[bill875] “can you give me the basic keystrokes ?”
Well, you’ll probably be using your mouse some as well (; As with most processes in AE there are a few different ways to get the results you’re looking for.
The first step is unzipping your zipped sequences (it sounded like they were in .zip files from your first post, if they’re not ignore this step), this is done with a program like StuffIt or WinRAR or… there are about a hundred different options.
Then when you have your sequences make sure that they’re numbered in frame order. Place all the images in the sequence that you want to import at one time into a folder (these files need to be sequentially numbered… i.e. 0-100 or 50-75 with no numbers missing between the beginning and ending frame). Then just drag that folder into your AE project pane (where the footage is kept) and it will automatically recognize the images in the folder as an image sequence.
I highly recommend you spend more time with the AE Manual and the AE Help files as well. This is pretty basic stuff.