Adding a Glow To BG in on Keyed Footage in AE
Hi there,
I am currently working on a music video which has the band performing behind a green screen. We have keyed out the green screen and now placed an image in the BG where the Green screen was. The image should look like a projected image and needs to bleed onto the foreground, i.e the keyed live action footage.
Using the compound blur in AE has produced an OK result but it hasn’t as of yet, really bleed enough on the live action footage.
At the moment we are thinking about using the the alpha from the live action footage to work as a mask, but the problem being is that it still does give the layer we used (a solid/or the original image but bigger) a blured or feather edge when using the compound blur in AE.
I hope this make sense and that someone out there might know of a way.