AAF from Premiere Pro to Logic Pro X
I sent audio to the mixer today from Premiere Pro CC 2015. He’s using Logic Pro X. I first tried an OMF and Logic couldn’t open any of the embedded audio files. AAF was fine, but we encountered a shift at every point where I’d placed an audio dissolve.
When I edit dialogue in PProCC, I place short audio dissolves across the cuts. In Logic, these dissolves were gone and gaps were left. However, the full media clips was there. This resulted in the dialogue going further out of sync at each new clip.
When I deleted all audio dissolves from the Premiere Pro timeline and exported a new AAF, everything was fine in Logic.
I don’t know if this is an issue with other DAWs like ProTools or if it’s specific to Logic. IOW, it could be a Premiere AAF-creation problem or it could be how Logic interprets that AAF.
– Oliver
Oliver Peters Post Production Services, LLC
Orlando, FL