8 and 10 bit file gets cut short
When I export a sequence as 8-bit or 10-bit uncompressed, the resulting file consistently ends about 1/4 of the way to the end of the source material. In other words, I’ll play it back just fine and then the video just stops sooner than it should.
I’ve gone from every initial format I can think of and still this issue persists. I’ve also tried playing back the video in Quicktime, After Effects and iMovie and it still shows the same issue. Oh and this issue also occurs when exporting from After Effects.
I’ve been having this problem since I got Final Cut. I’ve had the problem on two separate machines and 3 different installs of Final Cut.
Machine 1
Dual 2.16Ghz Macbook Pro with 2GB ramMachine 2
Quad 2.8Ghz Mac Pro with 4 GB ram