29.97, 23.98, HD, HDV and MiniDV – all on the same timeline – is this a nightmare?
I’m editing a making-of piece, and sort of by its nature, frame rates are all mixed to kingdom come…
The plan is to edit in DVCPRO HD, 720p60, with a timebase at 23.98fps. This is the ideal setting for the format the interviews were shot in, and for the film (shot on Vericam). I’m liking the Panasonic standard up to this point… and so does Final Cut Pro.
But then we throw HDV into the mix, and that’s shot at 29.97fps, and there’s MiniDV at 29.97 as well. Our vital b-roll.
First off, how can we get all these frame rates to work together? As it stands, the 29fps clips really jerk around on the HD timeline.
Secondly, am I missing anything to edit in the higher res? I know I’ll be losing some of the 4:3 DV image, since blowing it up onto 16:9 inherently means cropping… but it still seems worth it, down the road. It also seems that render times are looming on the horizon either way I go.
MacBook Pro 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo
1.5 GB RAM
Final Cut 5.1